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Adol- Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer –

What is adol composed of? 

  • Caplets: Each caplet contains: Paracetamol 500rng.
  • Tablets:Each tablet contains: Paracetamol 500mg. 
  • Suppositories:Each suppository contains: Paracetamol 125mg, 250mg, or 500mg. 
  • Syrup: Each teaspoonful (5mL) of the syrup contains: Paracetamol 120mg.
  • Suspension 250mg/5mL: Each teaspoonful or sachet (5mL) of the suspension contains: Paracetamol 250mg.
  • Drops: Each 1 ml contains: Paracetamol 100mg.
  • Sachets: Each sachet contains: Paracetamol 250mg.
  • adol ped supp by

    What should you know about paracetamol, the active ingredient of adol?

  • Paracetamol is an effective pain reliever and fever reducer.It relieves pain by elevating the pain threshold centrally and to a lesser extent, by blocking pain-impulse generation through a peripheral action.
  • Paracetamol reduces fever through its effect on the hypothalamic heat-regulating centre, resulting in peripheral vasodilation, increased blood flow through the skin, sweating, and heat loss.
  • The central and peripheral actions of paracetamol are mainly due to the inhibition of prostaglandins biosynthesis.
  • Paracetamol is rapidly absorbed orally and rectally. 
  • The initial rapid response occurs in less than half an hour and within 2 hours peak levels are achieved.It is metabolised in the liver and excreted via the bile and the kidney.
  • What is this medicine used for? 

    1. It is used to relieve different types of mild to moderate pain such as headache, migraine, backache, rheumatic aches, period pain, toothache, pain following dental procedures. and teething pain.
    2. It also relieves discomfort that accompanies cold, flu, and sore throat.
    3. It is effective in reducing fever that may accompany various types of infections especially in case of cold or flu.
    4. It is also used to reduce fever that may occur after vaccination.

    It is considered the pain reliever and fever reducer of choice especially in patients in whom NSAIDs or salicylates. such as aspirin, are contraindicated.Such patients include asthmatics, those with history of peptic ulcer, children, or elderly.

    أدول كابلت Adol tablet

    How should you take adol?

    Adol Syrup 120mg/5ml dosage

  • Infants from 3 months to 1 year: from 2.5 to 5 ml.
  • Children from 1 to 5 years: from 5 to 10 ml.
  • Dose may be repeated every 4 to 6 hours, but leave at least 4 hours between doses. Do not take more than 4 doses in 24 hours. Do not take more than 3 days without consulting your doctor.

    Adol Suspension 250mg/5ml dosage

  • Children from 1 to 5 years: from 2.5 to 5 ml.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years: from 5 to 10 ml.
  • Adults and children above 12 years: from 10 to 20 ml.
  • Dose may be repeated every 4 to 6 hours, but leave at least 4 hours between doses. Do not take more than 4 doses in 24 hours. Do not take more than 3 days without consulting your doctor.

    Adol Suppositories 500mg dosage

  • Children from 6 to 12 years: 1 suppository.
  • Adults and children above 12 years:1 to 2 suppository.
  • Dose may be repeated every 4 to 6 hours, but leave at least 4 hours between doses. Do not take more than 4 doses in 24 hours. Do not take more than 3 days without consulting your doctor.

    Adol Suppositories 250mg dosage

  • Children from 1 to 5 years: 1 suppository.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years: 1 to 2 suppository.
  • Dose may be repeated every 4 to 6 hours, but leave at least 4 hours between doses. Do not take more than 4 doses in 24 hours. Do not take more than 3 days without consulting your doctor.

    Adol Suppositories 125mg dosage

    Children from 1 to 5 years: 1 to 2 suppository.

    Dose may be repeated every 4 to 6 hours, but leave at least 4 hours between doses. Do not take more than 4 doses in 24 hours. Do not take more than 3 days without consulting your doctor.

    Adol Caplets 500mg dosage

  • Adults and children above 12 years: 1 to 2 caplets.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years: half to 1 caplet.
  • Dose may be repeated every 4 to 6 hours, but leave at least 4 hours between doses. Do not take more than 4 doses in 24 hours. Do not take more than 3 days without consulting your doctor.

    Adol Tablets 500mg dosage

  • Adults and children above 12 years: 1 to 2 tablets.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years: half to 1 tablet.
  • Dose may be repeated every 4 to 6 hours, but leave at least 4 hours between doses. Do not take more than 4 doses in 24 hours. Do not take more than 3 days without consulting your doctor.

    أدول تحاميل للاطفال by pharmacia1


    In post vaccination fever that may occur in infants 2 to 3 months of age, a single dose of 60mg (2.5 ml of syrup or suspension 120mg/5mL) is given, followed, if necessary, by a second dose 4 to 6 hours later.If fever persists, seek doctor’s advice.

    Infants below 3 months, the recommended dose is 10mg/kg body-weight or 5mg/kg body-weight if jaundiced. adol Drops for infants are available.

    For sachets, tear or cut open the sachet as indicated then pour its contents directly into the mouth and swallow. 

    What should you do if you an is a dose?

  • Most of the time the medicine is taken ‘as needed’, so missing a dose should not be a problem.
  • If it is almost time for the next regular dose, wait until then to take the medicine and skip the missed dose.
  • Do not take two doses at one time.
  • What should you be aware of?

  • Do not exceed the recommended dose. 
  • Do not take more than 2 tablets, caplets, or suppositories at one time, and do not take more than 8 in 24 hours. 
  • Do not take with any paracetamol containing product.
  • If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
  • Caution is required if you are suffering from any liver or kidney problem, as well as, if you are alcoholic.
  • Chronic hepatic necrosis has been reported in a patient who took daily therapeutic doses of paracetamol for about a year and liver damage has been reported after daily ingestion of excessive amounts.
  • Paracetamol use is safe in pregnancy and lactation when taken within the recommended dosage.
  • Are there any undesired effects?

     Paracetamol is generally well tolerated when taken within the recommended dosage. Rarely, skin rash and blood disorders have been reported.

    What to do in case of overdose?

    Ingestion of massive overdosage of paracetamol (exceeding 10g for adults or 150mg/kg body-weight for children) should be avoided as it may lead to liver damage. Refer immediately to the doctor if you experience diarrhoea, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, stomach cramps or pain, and increased sweating.

    Pain, tenderness, and/or swelling in the upper abdominal area may occur 2 to  4 days after ingesting the overdose. 

    أدول حبوب لتخفيف ألم حلمة الثدى بعد الرضاعة

    The recommended treatment in such a case is: 

    1. Giving the patient activated charcoal if the overdose has been ingested within the previous hour.
    2. Giving the patient N-acetyl cysteine or methionine within 10 to 12 hours of ingestion.
    3. Instituting supportive treatment that includes maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance.

     Is there any drug interaction?

    1. Concomitant use of cholestyramine with paracetamol may reduce paracetamol absorption. 
    2. Metoclopramide seems to enhance paracetamol effects by accelerating its absorption when used concurrently.
    3. Using paracetamol regularly for a prolonged period of time may possibly enhance the anticoagulant effect of warfarin upon their concurrent use.

    النشرة الداخلية لتحاميل أدول للاطفال by pharmacia1

    Patient Information Leaflet

    Adol Patient Information Leafletأدول النشرة الداخلية

    Categories and tags: N02BE01, Paracetamol, Anilides, ANALGESICS AND ANTIPYRETICS,  ANALGESICS, NERVOUS SYSTEM.

    أدول- معلومات باللغة العربية

    مقالات ذات صلة بـ أدول: أدول- مسكن للآلام ومخفض للحمى، أدول أقراص( كابليت) حقائق ومعلومات، حقائق جديدة عن حبوب أدول، أدول 125، 250 تحاميل شرجية للرضع و الأطفال ، أدول 500 تحاميل للبالغين، نصائح هامة قبل أن تعطي طفلك أدول شراب، نقط أدول الفموية للرضع نصائح هامة وإرشادات ضرورية، أدول حبوب لتخفيف ألم حلمة الثدى بعد الرضاعة. Adol- Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer، ADOL CAPLETS PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET. 

    أدول علامة تجارية إنتاج شركة جلفار ( الخليج للصناعات الدوائية ) ، و يمكنك التواصل مع الشركة للإستفسار عن أدول تحاميل على الرقم المجاني 009718004994.

    للإستفسار عن أدول تحاميل

    لو أعجبك المقال، ادعمنا بكتابة تعليق في أسفل المقال، أو بـمتابعة صفحتنا على الفيسبوك . إما إذا كان عندك سؤال بخصوص هذا الدواء، فتفضلبالتواصل معنا من الرابط هنا.

    معلومات مصورة عن أدول

    ماذا يجب ان تعرف عن أدول ؟دواعى استعمال تحاميل أدولأدول تحاميل شرجية .. التركيب و المحتوىأدول تحاميل ..تحذيرات و إحتياطاتجرعات تحاميل أدولالنشرة الداخلية لتحاميل أدول للاطفال by pharmacia1

    ❶ تواصل معنا إذا كنت أحد المختصين و ترى أن المعلومات الواردة فى هذة الصفحة ، غير سليمة أو غير دقيقة أو تحتاج إلى تعديل فيشرفنا تواصلك معنا من الرابط هنا . ❷ أضف تقيمك رأيك في موضوعات، مقالات و خدمات مهم، و يساعدنا في تطوير أنفسنا و تحسين مستوى الخدمات المقدمة، بالإضافة إلى أنة يساعد الآخرين في التعرف على مستوى ، لذلك نرجو إضافة تعليقك أو تقيمك على مراجعات جوجل من الرابط هنا . و كذلك نتمنى منكم متابعة صفحتنا على الفيسبوك ليصلك كل جديد عن الطب و الدواء. حقوق النشر: “All rights reserved (c) 2020 ” تواصل معنا عبر تطبيق واتس_آب أو عبر نموذج التواصل.

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