صحة وجمال

Agnucaston tablets for Menstrual pain reliever


1 Agnucaston film-coated tablet (125.0 mg) contains: Dry extract of the fruit of the chaste tree Extr. Vitex Agni casti e fruct. spir. sicc. (2 : 1) (Manufacturer’s monograph) 20.00 mg (Composition of the tablet core: 16-24 % native extract, 84-76 % polyvidone as technical standardizing agent) Excipients: Povidone, lactose 1 H20, magnesium stearate, macrogol, talc, ammonium methacrylate copolymer, titanium (IV) oxide (E 171), yellow iron oxide (E 172), indigotine lacquer (E132).


For treatment of women in cases of:
Menstrual disorders, Mastodynia, frequently in connection with pain (Mastalgia), Premenstrual syndrome


Not known up to now, Agnucaston should not be taken during pregnancy. The preparation should not be taken during lactation period.

Interactions with other drugs and agents

No interactions are known.

Side effects

Allergic skin reactions are rare; severe forms thereof have been reported in isolated cases.

Dosage and mode of application

Unless otherwise prescribed, take 1 film-coated tablet in the morning; the tablets are to be swallowed whole.

Agnucaston is to be taken without interruption, even during menstruation. Treatment should be continued for several months, even after the symptoms have improved or subsided. Should the complaints reappear upon discontinuation of the intake of Agnucaston therapy should be continued in consultation with the attending physician.

Active ingredient

Dry extract of the fruit of the chaste tree (Agni casti fructus).

Pharmaceutical dosage form

  • Film-coated tablets
  • Store in a dry place at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children!
  • Do not use Agnucaston after the expiry date.
  • Agnucaston tablets patient info. leaflet

    Agnucaston tablets

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