صحة وجمال

Betafucin Cream – Antibiotic & Anti-Inflammatory –


Each gram contains: Fusidic acid 20 mg Betamethasone 1 mg (As valerate).


Betafucin cream combines the potent topical antibacterial action of fusidic acid with the anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect of betamethasone . fusidic acid is effective in low concentrations against staphylococci, including strains resistant to penicillin or to other antibiotics. Topically applied fusidic acid is also effective against streptococci, corynebacteria, neisseria and certain clostridia.

بيتافيوسين كريم


Betafucin is indicated in inflammatory dermatoses where bacterial infection is present or likely to occur. Inflammatory dermatoses include atopic eczema, discoid eczema, stasis eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis, contact dermatitis. lichen simplex chronicus, psoriasis,discoid lumps erythematosus, insect bites, sunburns.


  • Uncovered lesions : apply 2 3 times daily .
  • Covered lesions : Less frequent application may be adequate .
  • Contra indications

    Topical corticosteroids are contra-indication in tuberculosis, viral and fungal skin infections.


    Topical administration of corticosteroids to pregnant animals can cause abnormalities of foetal development. The relevance of this finding to human beings has not been established, however, topical steroids should not be used extensively during pregnancy. i.e, in large amounts or for prolonged periods. 

    In infants long-term continuous therapy should be avoided.

    Side effects

    Hypersensitivity has rarely been encountered. 

    Patient Information Leaflet

    Betafucin Patient Information Leafletبيتافيوسين النشرة الداخليةBetafucin- Arabic Information

    Betafucin frequently asked questions

    Does betafucin contain cortisone? Yes, betamethasone is a component of betafiosin that belongs to a class of medications called corticosteroids, which are chemical compounds derived from cortisone. Betamethasone is useful for relieving the desire to scratch(itching) and reduce skin redness. The presence of derivatives of corticosteroids (cortisone) in the product  will not cause significant health problems as long as the product is used in accordance with the recommended doses.

    Is betafucin an antibiotic? Yes, fusidic acid is a component of betafiosin that belongs to antibiotics, and it is effective in killing and preventing from bacteria.

    Does betafucin treat skin rashes caused by hair removal with sweet, wax, silk apple or laser? Yes, betafucin will relieve rashes that often appear after hair removal.

    Can betafucin applied in the sensitive area? Yes, betafucin can be applied to the skin of the sensitive area (bikini area or under the arms).

    Can betafucin be put on the nipple to treat nipple cracks caused by breastfeeding? Yes, it is possible. Put betafucin on the nipple and leave for 3 or 4 hours on the breast. Make sure to clean the nipple well from the traces of the product with water and soap before breastfeeding, and it is recommended to put an artificial nipple (a silicone nipple placed on the affected nipple to protect it from the infant’s bites during breastfeeding).

    Does betafucin cure acne? It does not treat acne, however your doctor may prescribe it if you suffer from acne as an adjuvant treatment, for example your doctor can prescribe a skin exfoliation cream for acne, and this cream can cause irritation and redness on the facial skin,  betafucin may prescribed to you in this case to relieve the redness and irritation following the exfoliation cream.

    Alternatives to this product: Betafucin, Zetacort, Futasone, Fucidic Plus, Fuci_Top_C, Fusi_zon, Fusiderm B, Fucibact B, Defucin H, Fucicort, CorticoFusidic, FostinoCort, Mixofuse.

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