صحة وجمال

BIOMOX 250 mg/ 500 mg Capsules- ANTIBIOTIC –

Active substance: Amoxicillin trihydrate

What does Biomox contain?

  • Biomox 500 mg film-coated capsules: each capsule contains 500 mg amoxicillin as trihydrate.
  • Biomox 250 mg film-coated capsules: each capsule contains 250 mg amoxicillin as trihydrate.=
  • How does Biomox act?

    Biomox contains amoxicillin which is an antibiotic in a class of drugs called aminopenicillins and can be used in various bacterial diseases. Biomox is well absorbed by the body and readily distributes into various body fluids and tissues.

    بيومكس كبسول

    Indications: When is Biomox used?

    Since Biomox is highly active and is absorbed virtually completely into the body, it can be used for oral treatment even of severe disorders. The following disorders can be treated with Biomox provided they are caused by amoxicillin-sensitive organisms:

    Airway infections

  • infections of the upper airways, inflammations of the paranasal sinuses and the middle ear (sinusitis, otitis media).
  • infections of the lower airways, e.g. acute and chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), accumulation of pus in the lungs (lung abscess), whooping cough.
  • Infections of the urinary tract and sex organs

  • acute and chronic inflammations of the kidneys, the renal pelvis, the prostate and epididymis, which is a tube attached to each testicle (pyelonephritis, pyelitis, prostatitis, epididymitis).
  • inflammations of the bladder (cystitis), inflammation of the urethra (urethritis), bacteria detectable in urine during pregnancy.
  • Gonorrhoea.
  • Gynaecological infections 

    such as: miscarriage associated with infection, inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus (septic abortion, adnexitis, endometritis).

    Gastro-intestinal infections

  • typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever; Biomox is also effective in the treatment of chronic carriers of salmonella.
  • bacillary dysentery (shigellosis).
  • mild infections of the bile ducts and the gallbladder (cholangitis, cholecystitis) .
  • Infections of the skin and soft tissue

  • Leptospirosis.
  • listeriosis with or without signs and symptoms
  • Where treatment with injections is not necessary,Biomox can be used in the following disorders:

  • short-term preventive treatment (24 to 48 hours) in connection with surgery (e.g. oral cavity).
  • inflammation of the inside lining of the heart muscle (endocarditis).
  • inflammation of the membranes of the brain caused by bacteria.
  • blood poisoning (septicaemia) caused by amoxicillin-sensitive organisms.
  • بيومكس كبسول و شراب النشرة الداخلية

    Contraindications: When should Biomox not be used?

  • Biomox must not be used in patients with hypersensitivity (allergy) to amoxicillin or other
  • Penicillins.
  • Patients who are allergic to cephalosporins may also be allergic to amoxicillin.
  • If you have previously developed any allergic reaction to a medicine or some other allergy (e.g. allergic asthma).
  • Use Of aminopenicillins in-patients with glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis) or lymphatic leukaemia (multiplication of certain white blood cells) very often caused skin rashes. Even though the frequency of these rashes was markedly lower with Biomox, its use should be avoided in patients with these disorders.
  • Please inform your doctor if you suffer from any of the disorders mentioned above.

    Biomox cannot be absorbed by the body in adequate amounts in patients with severe stomach and intestinal symptoms associated with persistent diarrhoea or vomiting. You therefore need to inform your doctor of any such condition immediately. Mild infections do not require antibiotic therapy.

    Pregnancy and Lactation: May Biomox be used during pregnancy or lactation ?

  • Biomox may be taken during pregnancy. The dose used during pregnancy is determined by the doctor.
  • As small amounts of the substance enter breast mitk, nursing mothers should wean their babies.
  • Special warnings and precautions for use: What precautionary measures are to be considered when taking Biomox?

    1. Please report first signs of side effects (e.g. sore throat, extreme tiredness and inflammations in the mouth) to your doctor immediately.
    2. You should inform your doctor if you have a history of hypersensitivity (allergy, hay fever) or suffer from asthma.
    3. IF you develop any allergic symptoms, in particular itching, chills, wheals, shortness of  breath, chest tightness and diarrhoea or abdominal pain, contact your doctor immediately for advice.
    4. For the duration of treatment with Biomox, the patient should drink plenty of fluid  to ensure adequate amounts of urine.
    5. During long-term treatment, it is recommended to check blood counts, liver Function and kidney function.
    6. A missed dose of Biomox should be taken as soon as you realize the omission.
    7. Please see your doctor if you have persistent diarrhoea.
    8. Please inform your doctor if you are pregnant.
    9. Even if improve or disappear, the treatment with Biomox must not be changed or discontinued unless prescribed by the doctor in order to prevent any worsening or reappearance of the disease.
    10. Keep this medicine out of the reach and sight of children at all times.

    Interactions: May Biomox be taken at the same time as other medicines?

  • You should take Biomox at the same time as other antibiotics only if expressly prescribed by your doctor, as some antibiotics intensify the effect of Biomox whereas others may restrict its effect.
  • As with other antibiotics, the safety of oral contraceptives may be impaired during use of Biomox.
  • Drugs to treat increased acid in the stomach (antacids) may impair absorption into the body.
  • It is therefore necessary that you inform your doctor if you are using other medicines. Ask your doctor which of these you take at the same time as Biomox without any harmful effects.
  • Dosage and mode of administration: What dose of Biomox should you take and how often?

    Follow the dosage instructions exactly, unless directed otherwise.

    Your doctor will determine the dose depending on the sensitivity of the disease-causing organism involved and the site of infection. It is generally recommended to divide the daily dose into 2 (3 or 4) doses.

  • Average dosage for Children: 30 to 60 mg/kg of body weight a day.
  • Average dosage for Adolescents and adults: 1500 to 2000 mg a day.
  • Special dosage instructions

    Acute uncomplicated urinary tract infections, infections of the upper airways or the ears, nose and throat, infections of the skin and soft tissue:

  • Children: about 25 to30 mg/kg of body weight divided into 2 to  3 doses a day
  • Adolescents and adults: daily dose of (750) 1000 to 1500 mg divided into 2 to 3 doses.
  • Infections of the lower airways (e.g. bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess) and of the upper urinary tract:

  • Children: 50 to 60 mg/kg of body weight divided into 2 to 3 doses a day.
  • Adolescents and adults: 1500 to 3000 mg divided into 2 to 3 doses.
  • For the treatment of severe disorders, your doctor may increase the daily dose:

  • Children: 100 mg/kg of body weight divided into 2 to 3 doses a day.
  • Adolescents and adults: up to 6000 mg a day.
  • For severe infections, your doctor can prescribe daily doses of 200 mg/kg of body weight for children or 8000 mg for adults.

    Preventive treatment of endocarditis after tooth extractions:

  • Children: 1500 to 2000 mg 1 hour before surgery, repeated dose after 8 to 9 hours if appropriate.
  • Adults: 3000 to 4000 mg 1 hour before surgery, repeated dose after 8 to 9 hours if appropriate.
  • Dosage when excretion is impaired: The doctor will decide whether to use this medicine in patients with impaired kidney function.

    Mode of administration: How do you use Biomox?

  • Biomox can be taken before or after meals and is therefore also suitable for patients with sensitive stomachs. 
  • The medicine should be taken with plenty of liquid.
  • Changes in blood counts (indicated by tiredness, sore throat and inflammations in the mouth), inflammation of the kidneys (fever, swelling, especially in the face and/or blood in the urine), changes in taste perception, dry mouth or serious hypersensitivity reactions such as circulatory collapse and/or shortness of breath (anaphylactic shock) occur extremely rarely.
  • In a few cases, headaches, tiredness, fever and joint pain occur.
  • Viral diseases may more often than not be associated with rashes during administration of amoxicillin.
  • Please, therefore inform your doctor if such a disease  occurs while you are taking Biomox or you suspect that you have contracted e.g. some childhood diseases such as measles, etc.
  • In the treatment of typhoid fever or syphilis, the decomposition of killed bacteria and the resultant release of bacterial poisons may cause fever and skin rashes.
  • Mild transient elevations in some liver test results have occasionally been reported.
  • If you note other side effects, please inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
  • Patient Information Leaflet

    بيومكس- النشرة الداخلية

    How should you store Biomox?

  • Do not store above 25 degrees.
  • Store in the original container.
  • Please note the expiry date on the package.
  • BIOMOX, in Egypt, produced by SEDICO pharmaceuticals.

    Biomox- Arabic Information

    Biomox- Arabic Information


    ALTERNATIVES: OSPAMOX, ALEMOX, Amoxicid, Amoxicillin STADA, Amoxil, E-MOX, HYMOX, Biomox, IBIAMOX, Julphamox, Penamox.

    بيومكس 125، 250 شراب معلق للرضع و الأطفال- أموكسيسيللين
    بيونال كبسول- نشرة معلومات المريض –