صحة وجمال

BIOMOX: Broad Spectrum Antibiotic –

BIOMOX (amoxicillin) is a semisynthetic, acid —stable aminopenicillin and an analogue of Ampicillin. It is a broad-spectrum bactericidal agent and is inactivated by penicillinase. It is active against a wide range of gram positive and gram negative bacteria.BIOMOX acts by inhibiting mucoprotein synthesis in the cell wall of bacteria. 

بيومكس كبسول


Treatment of infections caused by susceptible bacteria, including:

  1. upper respiratory tract infections: otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis.
  2. lower respiratory tract infections: acute and chronic bronchitis, and pneumonia.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract infections: typhoid and paratyphoid fevers. biliary tract infections, and gastroenteritis.
  4. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori.
  5. Genito-urinary tract infections.
  6. Skin and soft tissue infections.
  7. Prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis.

Doses and Administration Oral administration

  • Adults: 500 mg every 8 hours.
  • Children up to 10 years: 125 to 250 mg every 8 hours.
  • Children under 40 kg body weight: 20 to 40 mg/kg daily in divided doses every 8 hours, or 25 to 45 mg/kg daily in divided doses every 12 hours.
  • Higher oral doses, either as a single dose or in short courses, may be used as follows:

  • For dental abscesses: 3 gm repeated once after 8 hours.
  • Uncomplicated acute urinary-tract infections: 3 gm repeated once after 10 to 12 hours.
  • Severe or recurrent infections of respiratory tract: 3 gm twice daily.
  • Children aged 3 to 10 years with otitis media: 750 mg twice daily for 2 days.
  • Uncomplicated gonorrhoea: A single dose of 3 gm amoxicillin, with 1 gm probenecid.
  • Prophylaxis of endocarditis:2 to  3 gm is given about 1 hour before dental procedures.
  • Eradication of H.pylori: is given with either metronidazole or clarithromycin and gastric secretion inhibitor or ranitidine or bismuth compound, in doses of 0.75 to 1 gm twice daily or 500 mg 3 times daily.
  • بيومكس كبسول و شراب النشرة الداخلية

    Doses and Administration Parenteral administration

    By IM or slow IV injection.

  • Adults: 500 mg every 8 hours. In severe infections, 1 gm every 6 hours by slow IV injection over 3 to 4 minutes or by infusion over 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Children aged up to 10 years: 50 to 100 mg/kg daily in divided doses.
  • Doses may be reduced in renal impairment.

    Reconstitution of BIOMOX Dry Mix

    To make up, first shake the bottle to loosen powders then add water to the content of the bottle and shake well. Fill up to the line and allow to stand for 5 minutes to ensure full dispersion.After reconstitution, BIOMOX suspension should be stored in a refrigerator and used only within 10 days. Shake well before use.

    Side Effects

    As with other penicillins, side effects may include hypersensitivity (rash, anaphylaxis), superinfection, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting. pseudomembranous colitis (rare), hemolytic anemia, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis (rare); pruritus, and urticaria.


    1. BIOMOX 500 mg Capsules.
    2. BIOMOX 125 mg Dry Mix for reconstitution.
    3. BIOMOX 250 mg Dry Mix for reconstitution.
    4. BIOMOX 250 mg Vial.
    5. BIOMOX 500 mg Vial.
    6. BIOMOX 1 g Vial.

    BIOMOX, in Egypt, produced by SEDICO pharmaceuticals.

    Patient Information Leaflet

    بيومكس- النشرة الداخلية

    How should you store BIOMOX?

  • Do not store above 25 degrees.
  • Store in the original container.
  • Please note the expiry date on the package.
  • BIOMOX- Arabic Information

    BIOMOX- Arabic Information


    ALTERNATIVES: OSPAMOX, ALEMOX, Amoxicid, Amoxicillin STADA, Amoxil, E-MOX, HYMOX, Biomox, IBIAMOX, Julphamox, Penamox.

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