صحة وجمال

Cetal – analgesic and antipyretic –

Cetal is an analgesic and antipyretic, available in the following pharmaceutical forms: tablets, drops, syrup, suspension, suppositories.

Each dosage unit contains: tablet drops( 1 ml) syrup( 5 ml) suspension( 5 ml) suppository Paracetamol 500 mg 100 mg  120 mg  250 mg  120 mg


CETAL(paracetamol) has analgesic and antipyretic properties with an efficacy comparable to those of aspirin. It does not inhibit platelet aggregation, affect prothrombin response or produce gastrointestinal (GI) ulceration. Therefore,CETALis often the analgesic or antipyretic of choice especially in patients where salicylates or other NSAIDs are contraindicated, such as those with a history of peptic ulcer, asthma: in children or elderly patients. 

It produces analgesia by blocking pain impulses. probably by inhibiting prostaglandins or other substances that sensitize pain receptors.

The antipyretic action may be due to the effect on the hypothalamic heat- regulating center. which increases dissipation of the body heat via vasodilation and sweating.


Analgesic antipyretic, to relieve mild-to-moderate pain and to reduce fever in the presence of:

  1. Aspirin allergy patients with blood coagulation dieorders (who are treated with erlicoagulents). 
  2. bleeding diathesis (e.g. hemophilia).
  3. upper GI diseases (e.g. ulcer. gastritis. hiatus hernia).
  4. gouty arthiritis.

 Arthritic, rheumatic. and muscular pain, and neuralgia e.g.:  Headache, earache, toothache,  common colds and flu, sore throat, tonsillectomy, migraine, menstruation, and other bacterial or viral infections.

Prophylactic use in children receiving DTP vaccination; to decrease incidence of fever and injection site pain. A dose immediately following vaccination and every 4 to 6 hours thereafter for 2 to 3 days is suggested. 

Dosage and Administration

  • Adults: 500 mg to 1 gm (1 2 tablets) every 4 6 hours daily, not exceeding 4 gram daily. 
  • Children: The following dosage may be given every 4 6 hours when necessary up to a maximum of 4 doses in 24 hours.
  • Less than 3 months: 10 mg / kg body weight (reduce to 5 mg/kg, if jaundiced).
  • 3 months to 1 year:  60 120 mg.
  • 1 6 years: 120 mg 250 mg.
  • 6 12 years: 250 mg 500 mg.
  • Drug Interactions

  • High doses or long- term use of barbiturates. carbamazepine, hydantoins, rifampin, sulfinpyrazone, and Isoniazid may reduce therapeutic effects and enhance the liver effects of CETAL-  Avoid use together.
  •  Coadministration of warfarin may increase hypoprothrombinemic effects with longterm use or with high doses of CETAL.
  • Zidovudine may increase risk of bone marrow suppression because of impaired zidovudine metabolism.
  • Caffeine may enhance the analgesic effect of CETAL.
  • Metoclopramide may accelerate absorption of paracetamol. 
  • Alcohol may increase the risk of hepatotoxicity-  Discourage using together. 
  • Precautions

    CETAL should be used with caution in: 

  • Severe hepatic or renal dysfunction.
  • Patients with alcohol dependence. 
  • Pregnancy or lactation: Unless prescribed by a physician ,CETAL is for short-term use only.
  • Physician should be consulted if administering to children for more than 5 days, or to adults for more than 10 days. or for more than 3 days for fever (children and adults).
  • High doses or unsupervised long-term use can cause hepatic damage. 
  • Excessive ingestion of alcoholic beverages may increase risk of hepatotoxicity.
  • Patients should not exceed the total recommended dose per day. 
  • Side Effects

    CETAL, generally well tolerated and may be used safely if therapy is short-term and does not exceed the recommended doses. However, skin rash and other allergic reactions have been reported rarely.

    Patient Information Leaflet

    Cetal Patient Information Leaflet سيتال  نشرة معلومات المريض

    Categories and tags: N02BE01, Paracetamol, Anilides, ANALGESICS AND ANTIPYRETICS,  ANALGESICS, NERVOUS SYSTEM.

    CETAL, a brand produced and marketed by the Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries (EIPICO) Cairo office: Asmaa Fahmy Street Ard El Golf Nasr City. 0224 143 550 624 143 0224. For more information about EIPICO, click here. # EIPICO

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    4. سيتال 500 مجم أقراص فموية- مسكن للآلام وخافض للحرارة..
    5. سيتال- مسكن للآلام ومخفض للحمى.
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    10. سيتال كولد أند فلو- حبوب البرد والرشح.
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    12. CETAL ® EXTRA Analgesic and Antipyretic
    13. Cetal analgesic and antipyretic.
    14. Cetal 120 mg- Pediatric suppositories.
    15. سيتال- النشرة الداخلية ( لغة عربية).
    16. Cetal Patient Information Leaflet.
    17. ايبيكو: الشركة المصرية الدولية للصناعات الدوائية.

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