صحة وجمال

Comidal-L Tablets for Epiliepsy –

Generic name: Phenytoin, methylphenobarbitone, phenobarbitone 


Each tablet contains

Active ingredients: 

  • 50 mg Diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin).
  • 50 mg Methyl Phenobarbitone.
  • 50 mg Phenobarbitone.
  • Inactive ingredients: lactose monohydrate. maize starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate. 

    Pharmaceutical form: Tablets.

    Comidal-L Tablets for Epliepsy

    Pharmacological actions

    Phenytoin is effective in various animal models of generalised convulsive disorders, reasonably effective in models of partial seizures but relatively ineffective in models of myoclonic seizures. 

    It appears to status rather than raise the seizure threshold and prevents spread of seizure activity rather than abolish the primary focus of seizure discharge.

    The mechanism by which phenytoin exerts its anticonvulsant action has not been fully elucidated however. possible contributory effects include:

    1. Non-synaptic effects to reduce sodium conductance, enhance active sodium extrusion, block repetitive firing and reduce post-tetanic potentiation.
    2. Postsynaptic action to enhance gaba-mediated inhibition and reduce excitatory synaptic transmission.
    3. Pre-synaptic actions to reduce calcium entry and block release of neurotransmitter.

    Phenobarbitone, a long-and barbiturate, is a central nervous system depressant. In ordinary doses, the drug acts as sedative and anticonvulsant. Its onset of action occurs within 30 minutes, and the duration of action ranges from 5 to 6 hours. It is detoxified in the liver. 


    All forms of epilepsy except typical absence seizures and status epiliepticus.It is used to control partial and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. It is also used as part of the emergency treatment of status epilepticus and has been used for the prophylactic control of seizures associated with neurosurgery or severe  traumatic injury to the head. Phenytoin has also been used in the treatment for trigeminal neuralgia.

    Dosage & Administration

    As directed by the physician or as follows: 1-3 tablets to be administered daily preferably with or after food.

    Side effects

    Ataxia. agranulocytosis, allergic skin reactions very rarely stevens-johnson syndrome and  toxic epidermal necrolysis, Antiepileptic hypersensitivity syndrome, anorexia, acne. blood disorders aplastic anemia, megaloblastic: anemia (may be treated with folic acid), thrombocytopenia. leucopenia. behavioral disturbance, cholestasis, constipation, coarsening of facial appearance, drowsiness, depression, dizziness, dyskinesia,  gingival hypertrophy. rarely hepatotoxicity (discontinue immediately and do not re-administer), hypotension, hallucinations. hyperactivity particularly in the elderly and in children, headache, hirsutism, irritability, impaired memory and cognition, insomnia, interstruct nephrons.#Narcotic_drugs

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    Patient information leaflet

    Find out more information about Comidal-L tablets, by review the Patient Information Leaflet .

    Comidal-L Patient Information Leaflet

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