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PICOLAX- Laxative Drops –


Each 100 ml contains Sodium picosulfate 750 mg.


PICOLAX is an effective physiological laxative, with reductive action on the intestine. It is considered to be the only convenient physiological that favour defecation without strain and for this reason, it is useful in the treatment of constipation in aged people and cardiovascular patients.

As PICOLAX has no effect on the uterine movement. It is safe in the treatment of pregnant constipation and as it is not absorbed, it facilitates radiological exploration.

بيكولاكس نقط الفم الملينة


  1. In all forms of constipation.
  2. To ease intestinal evacuation in the patients suffering from haemorrhoids or anal fissures.
  3. In surgical patients preparing for abdominal radiological examinations.
  4. In the treatment of the constipation of the aged people and pregnant women.

Picolax- Frequently Asked Questions

How long can you take Picolax? As with all laxatives, sodium picosulfate(Picolax) should not be taken on a continuous daily basis for more than five days without investigating the cause of constipation. Long-term everyday use of stimulant laxatives may harm the intestinal function and should be avoided.

Is Picolax safe? It may be dangerous to give too much sodium picosulfate drops(Picolax). Too much picolax can cause stomach pain (cramps), diarrhoea (runny poo), and may lead to dehydration if too much stools (poo) is passed.

How long do Picolax drops take to work? Picolax Drops generally work in 6 to 12 hours. Picolax Drops taken at night usually produce a bowel motion the following morning.

What is the best time to take Picolax? Take drops 30 to 60 minutes before your normal bedtime to produce a bowel movement the next morning.


10 to 15 drops daily, this dosage can be increased or decreased according to the individual requirements.


It Should not be given to patients with symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal obstruction or abdominal pain of unknown cause.

Patient Information Leaflet

Picolax Patient Information Leaflet بيكولاكس نقط فموية ملينة- النشرة الداخلية

Tags and Categories: #LAXATIVE, #ORAL DROPS, #EIPICO , EGYPT, #SODIUM PICOSULPHATE, #P_letter, #حرف_ب. Sodium Picosulfate Brands and Generics: Picolax, Razilax, Skilax, BOWELOCARE,  Laxeol_pi, Normalax, Pico, Dulcolax pico,

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