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Understanding Diclac Injection: A Comprehensive Guide to Your Medication

Welcome to a detailed guide on Diclac, a medication designed to alleviate pain and inflammation. In this article, we’ll break down complex medical information into easily understandable sections, providing you with essential insights into the composition, indications, usage, potential side effects, and practical tips for managing your health while using Diclac.

Unveiling Diclac: What’s Inside?

Diclac contains diclofenac sodium as its active ingredient. This belongs to a group of medicines known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs work by reducing pain and inflammation, offering relief in various conditions.


Diclac, available as a Solution for Injection, is prescribed for:

  1. Acute Back Pain: Providing relief from sudden, intense back pain.
  2. Gout Attacks: Managing the pain associated with sudden gout flares.
  3. Pain from Gallstones or Kidney Stones: Alleviating pain caused by these conditions.
  4. Arthritis (Osteo- and Rheumatoid): Offering relief in inflammatory joint conditions.
  5. Pain from Injuries, Trauma, and Fractures: Helping with pain following accidents.
  6. Post-Surgery Pain (Intravenous Infusion): Administered in hospitals to prevent or treat post-operative pain.

What You Need to Know Before Taking Diclac

Before starting Diclac, it’s crucial to consider your health and medical history. Consult your healthcare provider if:

  • You are allergic to diclofenac sodium, aspirin, ibuprofen, or any NSAIDs.
  • History of stomach or duodenal ulcers, bleeding in the digestive tract.
  • Pre-existing heart, kidney, or liver problems.
  • Pregnancy (especially in the last three months) or breastfeeding.
  • Age under 14 years.
  • Inform your doctor about recent or upcoming surgeries, as Diclac may impact wound healing in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Navigating Precautions and Warnings

    Diclac, like any medication, requires cautious use. Talk to your healthcare provider if:

  • Taking Diclac with other anti-inflammatory medicines, anticoagulants, or SSRIs.
  • History of gastrointestinal problems after using anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Conditions like asthma, hay fever, nasal polyps, or chest infections.
  • Allergies, especially to NSAIDs.
  • Elderly, with Lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, or bleeding disorders.
  • Issues like heart problems, high blood pressure, or swollen feet.
  • Pregnant, breastfeeding, or with liver/kidney diseases.
  • Keep your doctor informed about smoking, diabetes, angina, blood clots, high blood pressure, cholesterol, or triglyceride levels.

    Special Considerations: Elderly and Children

    Elderly individuals may be more sensitive to Diclac. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully, and report any stomach problems promptly.

    Diclac is not recommended for children under 14 years of age. Always adhere to your healthcare provider’s guidance regarding medication for children.

    Understanding Drug Interactions

    Inform your doctor about all medicines you are taking, including:

  • Lithium or SSRIs for depression.
  • Cardiac glycosides (e.g., digoxin) for heart problems.
  • Diuretics to increase urine production.
  • ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers for high blood pressure or heart failure.
  • Other NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors like aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Medications for diabetes (excluding insulin), methotrexate, corticosteroids.
  • Anticoagulants to prevent blood clotting.
  • Medicines for organ transplants, urinary tract infections, serious fungal infections, epilepsy, or cholesterol reduction.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Concerns

    If you are pregnant, planning pregnancy, or breastfeeding:

  • Diclac may make it harder to conceive; use it only if essential.
  • Avoid in the last three months of pregnancy due to potential harm to the baby.
  • Consult your doctor for guidance during the first 6 months of pregnancy.
  • Do not breastfeed while using Diclac, as it can pass into breast milk.
  • Driving and Machine Use While on Diclac

    Generally, Diclac doesn’t impair driving or machine use. However, be cautious if it makes you dizzy, tired, sleepy, or affects your eyesight. If so, avoid driving or operating machinery.

    Diclac Composition and Storage

    Each 3 ml ampoule of Diclac contains 75 mg of diclofenac sodium, 40 mg of benzyl alcohol, and 600 mg of propylene glycol. Store below 25°C, and keep ampoules in the outer carton to protect from light.

    Dosage Guidelines for Diclac

    Your doctor will determine the dosage and method of administration. Typically:

  • For adults: One or two ampoules (75 to 150 mg) daily for one or two days.
  • Older patients may receive a lower dose.
  • Children and adolescents under 14 years should not use Diclac.
  • Dosage can be adjusted based on your condition, and your doctor may prescribe additional medications to protect your stomach if needed.

    Dealing with Overdose and Missed Doses

    If you suspect an overdose, contact your doctor immediately. Overdose symptoms may include vomiting, stomach bleeding, dizziness, hearing problems, or seizures.

    If you miss a dose, consult your healthcare provider for guidance. Avoid doubling up on doses to compensate for a missed one.

    Possible Side Effects: Recognizing and Managing

    Like all medications, Diclac can have side effects. Common ones include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and skin rash. Uncommon effects may include palpitations. Serious but rare side effects encompass stomach ulcers, bleeding, and liver disorders.

    Managing Common Side Effects:

    1. Headache and Dizziness: Rest, avoid alcohol, and consult your doctor if persistent.
    2. Nausea and Indigestion: Take Diclac with food to minimize stomach discomfort.
    3. Skin Rash: Inform your doctor immediately; they may adjust your treatment.

    Addressing Serious Side Effects:

    If you experience chest pain, breathing difficulties, or signs of an allergic reaction (rash, itching, swelling), seek urgent medical attention.

    Reporting Side Effects

    Always report side effects to your healthcare provider, pharmacist, or nurse. Your input contributes to ongoing safety evaluations of the medication.

    Conclusion: Your Health Matters

    In conclusion, Diclac is a valuable medication for managing various painful conditions. Understanding its usage, potential side effects, and precautions is crucial for a safe and effective treatment journey. Always follow your doctor’s advice, report any concerns promptly, and actively engage in your healthcare decisions. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to consult your healthcare professional.

    Remember, your well-being is a collaborative effort, and staying informed is the first step towards a healthier you.

    For Arabic information about DICLAC AMPOULE / Click here.

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